

I N C L U D E S  A F F I L I A T E  L I N K S
Title: The Wicked Deep
Author: Shea Ernshaw
Published: 2018
Language: English
Pages: 310
Rating: 2/5

In a small isolated town by the sea, three sisters were sentenced to death for witchery centuries ago and return every summer to seek vengeance, luring and drowning young men, and in this town, we meet a seventeen year old girl who, like the townsfolk, have accepted the curse until one summer, a boy she meets changes everything.

I was intrigued by this book because of the folklore and myth aspect of it, as well as the promise of witches, but alas, this reminded me why I so often steer clear of the young adult genre.

There's nothing wrong with this book necessarily, it just wasn't my thing at all. The only thing I did actually like was the myth of these sisters and parts of the magical realism we get to see in here, but otherwise, there was just not a lot in here for me. The characters were all right, if somewhat stereotypical, I didn't care for the romance element in the slightest and I just... I wasn't invested in this at all.

There's something melodramatic about the writing in here as well that just made me roll my eyes and it's just not my thing, so unfortunately, this was just kind of OK for me. Might be good for the right audience though. 
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