

Title: Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
Author: Jon Krakauer
Published: 2016
Language: English
Pages: 398
Rating: 4/5

In this book, Krakauer takes a look at sexual assaults at the University of Montana, taking a look at personal accounts as well as how cases like these are handled, not only in Montana, but in all of America.

This is obviously a quite distressing topic to read about, but it's also monumentally important and I felt like this book explored it in a critical, sensitive and interesting way.

I'm always impressed by the way Krakauer manages to write these books and convey so much information without it ever feeling like it's too overwhelming. It's factual without being boring, and at the same time, it doesn't shy away for the emotional parts, which are incredibly important. It's brutal, there's no doubt about it, but it's also interesting and makes you think.

I found it especially interesting when the book explored rape myths, the emotional trauma of having experienced a sexual assault, the culture of this particular town and the trials of the main cases in this book. I was absolutely infuriated by a lot of it, but I think this serves an important reminder that there is still conversation to be had and myths to debunk.

The very last chapter did lose my interest a little bit for parts of it, but otherwise, I think this is an incredibly powerful, fascinating and vital book, and the information in here could (and probably would) benefit any reader. I'd highly recommend it.
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