

S P O N S O R E D  :  O N E  B O O K  S E N T  F O R  F R E E
I N C L U D E S  A F F I L I A T E  L I N K S
April is coming to an end and it's been another weird month for most us. Norway is still in lockdown although a few things like schools are starting to open up. We'll see how it goes though, it's a tentative situation. 

Easter has also come and passed, although it sort of got lost in everything else. I spent most of it in self-isolation which wasn't half bad as I got to eat quite a lot of chocolate.

There are a few rays of light in here though; the days are getting lighter, the weather is getting warmer and I've been getting loads of reading done. I've also gotten quite a nice stack of new books, which always makes me feel happier! They're also really colorful this month, which is an added bonus.

( a f f i l i a t e  l i n k s  +  b o o k  m a r k e d  *  s e n t  f o r  f r e e )

Hope you're all doing all right! Stay safe!
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