

I N C L U D E S  A F F I L I A T E  L I N K S
Title: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes & Other Lessons from the Crematory
Author: Caitlin Doughty
Published: 2014
Language: English
Pages: 254
Rating: 4/5

After finishing a degree in medieval history in her twenties, Caitlin Doughty took a job at a crematory, taking a journey into and learning to navigate the secret world of the dead and the death industry. 

This is my third book by this author, and it's no surprise that I really enjoyed this.

It always feels a bit weird to say one has enjoyed a book about death, but I always enjoy Doughty's books and they all deal with it, so there's obviously something about the way she writes that really demystifies the whole thing. This is an honest book, both personally and professionally, and it's both respectful and funny all at once.

It was really interesting to get to read about the authors beginning; I've followed her on social media for years and already read her other books, so it was fascinating to see how she came into this industry and this fascination, as well as where she came from. 

Reading Doughty's books and seeing her work online has actually really helped me; things are always more terrifying when you know so little about it, and learning more about death and the process that comes after has opened my eyes and my mind. The facts about death and dying, and coming to terms with your own mortality, coupled with a morbid and dry sense of humor make for both an interesting and educational memoir, and I very much enjoyed this. 
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