

I N C L U D E S  A F F I L I A T E  L I N K S
Title: Tokyo Ueno Station
Author: Yu Miri, Morgan Giles (translator)
Published: 2014
Language: English (translated from Japanese)
Pages: 180
Rating: 3/5

Set in Tokyo, we follow a ghost haunting a park near Ueno Station and see how he spends his days as he remembers his past.

A story told from the perspective of a ghost is always going to be a little odd, which is exactly the case with this.

I love the setting of this story and how we see both Tokyo from a broader perspective, but also take a closer look at this park and the homeless people living in it. I really like the historical aspects of the story as well and there are some moments where the main character looks back at his past that were engrossing and emotional.

I did, however, fall out of the story every now and then, because I would get to a part that wasn't all that intriguing and I literally just started thinking about other things, so there are some definite lulls in here. I also didn't really feel a very strong connection to the characters, at least not throughout most of the book.

So overall, this was weird and somewhat interesting, at least for the most part.
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