

I N C L U D E S  A F F I L I A T E  L I N K S
Title: The Far Cry
Author: Emma Smith
Published: 1949
Language: English
Pages: 344
Rating: 4/5

Set in the 1940's, we meet Teresa, a teenage girl who is suddenly taken out of school by her father who has decided they're going to go to India to escape the clutches of Teresa's mother.

I very much enjoyed reading this.

I loved reading about the characters in this book and I especially adore the way the relationships between them are captured; they feel as complex and complicated as real relationships do. I think this author is really good at capturing all those sudden emotions that make us feel a certain way or change our minds about something and that makes us react for whatever reason. She's good at capturing fleeting moments and feelings that are important but often overlooked. The characters are also all well drawn and they all have their positives and negatives shown in their thoughts and actions. Sometimes they're unlikable, but there's still something compelling about them.

The writing in this is excellent, both at drawing up characters and their interactions, but also bringing life to the vivid and colorful India that these characters experience. The sensations of all of it is incredibly well captured and although there are some dull moments in here, the story probably needed them.

I feel like the quote "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey" explains what kind of book this is perfectly. It's not really a plot heavy novel, it's more about the characters and their travels, both literally and figuratively.
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