

Title: See What I Have Done
Author: Sarah Schmidt
Published: 2017
Language: English
Pages: 352
Rating: 3/5

In this book, Schmidt reimagines the mystery of Lizzie Borden who was suspected of having brutally murdered her father and step-mother with an axe.

This was a bit of a mixed experience for me, but for a debut novel, I have to admit it's quite impressive.

I had a bit of a rough start with this book and couldn't really get into it until I was about halfway through, and even then, this was not one of those books I couldn't put down and I was never dying to finish it. I'm not sure why that was though, but I think part of it was that the story is told from several viewpoints and some of them didn't manage to capture my interest. The atmosphere in this book though, it's really something else; there's a quote on the back of the book that calls this novel claustrophobic and I think that's the perfect word for it.

The writing style in this book is distinctive and I really liked it, even if there were parts where I felt it didn't quite do what it was supposed to. I don't know how else to explain it, but there's something in the flow of this whole book that isn't quite right and it threw me off.

Still though, for a debut novel, there's something interesting going on here that I hope the author keeps working on, because I think it can be really great, but it's not quite here in this one.
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